Trouble with your garden last year and you’re wondering what amendments will fix it? It is time to stop treating your garden like most Americans treat their health woes: With a pill or a fad.

Trouble with your garden last year and you’re wondering what amendments will fix it? It is time to stop treating your garden like most Americans treat their health woes: With a pill or a fad.
Just a friendly reminder that August 8 (Wednesday) is Sneak Some Zucchini on Your Neighbor’s Porch Day. (I believe cucumbers are acceptable as well.)
The holiday was borne out of the plant’s prolific and ginormous growth habit, and the perceived limited uses. Truth is that it can be prepared many delicious ways or frozen for later uses, such as in breads and cookies. Even so, it is of course possible to have much more than you want.
2018 is actually the first year we’re growing zucchini at Allium Fields, though we’ve grown it in client’s gardens. Nothing against the squash, but we have so many plants we’re more interested in growing/eating and inevitably someone(s) would give us some, so we never planted it. This year we have and we’ve already gotten some good dishes from it.
Leftovers get shredded in the food processor and placed in freezer bags, in 2 cup measures, so we can make our favorite zucchini chocolate chip cookies and bread. Continue reading
We grow Cortland onions from seed. They get sown indoors in February, and it’s nice to have something growing that early, a harbinger of the season to come.
Onions did well this year!
As noted in an earlier Facebook post, we’re getting rain daily. That’s great for growing lawn and carrots and other items, but not great for drying onions outdoors. After the onions “flop,” or bend over at the stem, they’re ready to harvest within the next few days. Onions that have sent up a flower stalk should also be harvested, and they’re the ones that should be eaten first as they won’t keep well.
Rain throws a bit of a wrench into the harvesting schedule though.