Your tomatoes are growing gangbusters in the sun and warmth – now is the time to prune them.
Continue readingYour tomatoes are growing gangbusters in the sun and warmth – now is the time to prune them.
Continue readingPlease believe me when I say that I understand you want to plant your tomatoes already. I do too, but it is 44° outside as I type this.
Continue readingComposting rarely kills off all tomato and squash seeds. This is one reason that municipal yard waste programs don’t want you to place your pumpkins in yard waste.
If you don’t want the “volunteer” tomato and squash plants that pop up, they’re easy enough to pull. Sometimes, however, they work to your advantage.
NOT infected Sungold tomatoes
This summer has not been great for growing tomatoes. It was cold, then it was cold, and after it got hot, it then got cold again. Finally, as the weather seems to be warm long enough to keep the tomatoes happy, Late Blight is approaching.
Time to spray. Continue reading