I stopped growing peppers for a few years due to pepper maggots. Each time I’d pick a pepper I’d see the small “stings” on the flesh and know that when cut open it would be a rotted gooey mess, with or without a maggot (or three) squirming around inside. It was gross.
Hoping to kill off any that might be overwintering from my garden, I didn’t grow bell peppers for three years. (I did grow some hot peppers which had some pepper maggot damage, but not much.) At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it is great we live near so many great farms to fill in the gaps of items we cannot grow.

This year I’ve got peppers growing under row cover. It keeps the flies out, so the peppers develop maggot free. Peppers do not require pollination, so they develop even if pollinators can’t get to them. So far I lost zero peppers to pepper maggots.
There have been some issues with white flies which, under cover, have a grand old time without fear of predators. A quick spray or two of insecticidal soap takes care of them though.
Remember, adding dish soap to water is NOT “insecticidal soap.” Totally different – be sure to buy actual insecticidal soap.

Covering isn’t complicated and it doesn’t need to be perfect, just good enough. If you’re on good terms with a local farmer, they may even have some scraps they’re willing to give you.