We grow potatoes more for the fun than the quantity, since I’m the only one that eats them. This is half of this year’s crop.
This is half of our potato crop. At home we grow them in potato “bags” made of polypropylene. At schools and other places we grow them in storage containers with holes drilled in them.
One great thing about this method is that once you run out of space in the garden you can just plunk a tub anywhere, regardless of soil quality (or any soil at all) and grow potatoes.
I prefer the rigid storage containers for a number of reasons, including their ability to hold water. The bags are breathable, which is great, except that the growing medium (100% compost, in my case) dries out rapidly as moisture escapes the sides of the bag. Storage tubs hold the water better, while excess water can still escape through the holes.
The bags are expensive, though they last many years when treated properly. (We’ve had some about 8 years now.) The lifespan of the tubs will vary depending upon what tub you use but I usually get a maximum of four years before I have to recycle them.
One important note: Potatoes purchased from the store can carry Late Blight which, if you spread it with your potatoes, can then kill the entire region’s potatoes AND tomatoes. (That’s not really much of an exaggeration.) Please see “Buying Potatoes” at the link above.
While purchasing seed potatoes can dramatically raise the price of your crop, your community’s tomato growers will, or at least should, thank you.